
Figure 3 Toolbox window with its controls available commonly.

Control Description
  1. Pointer : used to interact with the controls on the form
  2. PictureBox : used to display images
  3. TextBox : used to accept user input which can display only editable text
  4. Frame : used to group other controls
  5. CommandButton : used to initiate an action by pressing on the button
  6. CheckBox : used to do a choice for user (checked or unchecked)
  7. OptionButton : used in groups where one at a time can be true
  8. ListBox : used to provide a list of items
  9. ComboBox : used to provide a short list of items
  10. HScrollBar : a horizontal scrollbar
  11. VScrollBar : a vertical scrollbar
  12. Timer : used to perform tasks in specified intervals.
  13. DriveListBox : used to access to the system drives
  14. DirListBox : used to access to the directories on the system
  15. FileListBox : used to access to the files in the directory
  16. Shape : used to draw circles, rectangles, squares, ellipses
  17. Line : used to draw lines
  18. Image : used to display images. But less capability than the PictureBox
  19. Data : used to connect a database
  20. OLE : used to interact with other windows applications
  21. Label : used to display texts which cannot be edited