Visual basic 6. 0
Visual basic is a high level programming language developed from the earlier DOS version called BASIC. Although Visual Basic .NET is the dominator in the current IT trend, Visual basic 6. 0 hasn't lost it's powerful status among the programmers.
Visual Basic was developed from the BASIC programming language. In the 1970s, Microsoft started developing ROM-based interpreted BASIC for the early microprocessor-based computers. In 1982, Microsoft QuickBasic revolutionized Basic and was legitimized as a serious development language for MS-DOS environment. Later on, Microsoft Corporation created the enhanced version of BASIC called Visual Basic for Windows.
Visual Basic is an event-driven programming language. This is called because programming is done in a graphical environment unlike the previous version BASIC where programming is done in a text only environment and executed sequentially in order to control the user interface. Visual Basic enables the user to design the user interface quickly by drawing and arranging the user elements. Due to this spent time is saved for the repetitive task.